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USATF Minnesota Indoor All-Comers Track Meets


January 7, 2024

Additional Information

These meets are "all comer" meets sponsored by MN-USATF and are hosted at either the Bethel University or University of Minnesota Field Houses. You can pick tjhe events in which you want to compete (events offered may vary from one meet to the next).

You do not have to be registered for the upcoming track & field season to participate in these.
Cross country runners, parents, siblings, cousins, etc. are all welcome to take part.
The meets offer a fun, welcoming environment to all.

IMPORTANT: Do not register as a member of a "team" (unless you make one up)-- register as an open/unattached individual.
This is not an official Nighthawk event and coaching will not be provided (even if coaches happen to attend).
There is no on site registration - you must signup online prior to the deadline (no exceptions).

More information is available at https://minnesota.usatf.org/events

USATF Minnesota Indoor All-Comers Track & Field Meet Dates (let us know if you notice changes):
There is an entry fee discount if you become a member of USATF.

12/10/2023 @Bethel University
12/17/2023 @University of MN
1/7/2024 @University of MN
1/28/2024 @University of MN
2/4/2024 @Bethel University
2/18/2024 @Bethel University
2/25/2024 @University of MN

3/10/2024 is the 2024 Championship. You must be a member to participate.

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